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How to Advertise Your Escondido Rental Property Successfully

How to Advertise Your Escondido Rental Property Successfully

Located in North County Inland, only 30 minutes away from downtown San Diego, Escondido is a city with an untapped potential for real estate investments. As a primarily residential area, the city has become one of the most sought-after places to live in California. 

With its suburban charm, scenic views, and world-class amenities, it’s no wonder why so many investors are buying properties in this city! If you’re thinking about investing in the Escondido real estate market, buying a rental property is the way to go. 

By renting out your Escondido home, you can earn a stable passive income while also growing your equity and wealth over the long term. However, to start enjoying the benefits of owning a rental property in Escondido, you must find reliable tenants. 

The only way to do this is by advertising your property. If you have no experience with rental property marketing, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, the experts at Francis Taylor Properties will go over the best tips and tricks for successfully advertising a rental property.

Things to Do Before Advertising Your Escondido Rental Property

Here are some things you should do before listing your Escondido home for rent:


  • Familiarize Yourself with Fair Housing Laws: Before renting out your Escondido home, you should familiarize yourself with the local landlord-tenant laws, including the California Fair Housing Act. This will help you remain compliant with rental regulations throughout the leasing process. 

  • Get Your Rental Property Ready: The condition of your rental property can increase or diminish your chances of leasing it quickly. So, make sure to deep clean the premises, address any needed repairs, and invest in minor cosmetic upgrades, such as installing new fixtures or painting the walls.

  • Set A Competitive Price: You must set an appropriate price for your Escondido home before listing it. Do some market research to learn how much other comparable properties in the area are charging for rent. Then, choose a competitive price, based on the unique features and characteristics of your rental! 

Rental Property Marketing Tips for Landlords

Nowadays, most tenants look for new accommodations online. With hundreds of homes listed up for rent every day, attracting tenants can seem like an impossible feat. But it doesn’t have to be this way! Here are some tips to help you advertise your Escondido rental successfully:

Take Quality Pictures

When tenants browse online listings, they spend most of their time looking at the pictures. If a listing has grainy photos or no pictures at all, renters tend to avoid it for fear that it may be a scam. That’s why it’s crucial to take great photos of your rental property to add to your listings.


You can take quality pictures of your home with your smartphone and good lighting. This way, you’ll be able to showcase the unique features of your property and allow potential renters to envision themselves living there!

Write an Attractive Rental Listing

While photos are a crucial part of a rental listing, the description is what ties everything together. Tenants won’t be able to know where your property is located, how many bedrooms and bathrooms it has, or the price of rent simply by looking at a picture. That’s why you should include this vital information on the description of your listing. 

To catch potential renters’ attention, your headline should be attractive and give them a brief summary of what the property is like. A great way to do this is by using the formula: “Rent price + number of bedrooms and bathrooms + type of property + location + a unique feature.” 

Your description should then delve into the specifics, such as explaining the property’s layout, specific location, amenities, and other relevant characteristics. It should also include your contact information to invite interested parties to reach out with any inquiries they may have.

Advertise Your Rental Listing Online

Once your listing is ready, you should post it on as many real estate websites as you can. It’s also a good idea to post it on social media, advertising sites, and local forums. 


This will increase the visibility of your property and increase your chances of attracting tenants quickly. 

Respond to Inquiries Promptly

With so many options available, prospective tenants can lose interest in a property very quickly, especially if an owner fails to respond to their inquiries. 

When you’re advertising your Escondido home, you must actively work to respond to inquiries and calls from potential tenants. By being approachable and transparent, you’ll increase your chances of leasing your property quickly.

Partner with a Property Management Company

Advertising a rental property is an important task. It requires around-the-clock availability to respond to interested parties’ inquiries, update listings, deal with maintenance, and conduct property showings. If you don’t have the time to do all of this, you should consider hiring a property manager.

A knowledgeable property management company can successfully advertise your rental, filling your vacancies quickly. They can also help you with anything from screening tenants to collecting rent and streamlining maintenance. This way, you’ll be able to sit back and enjoy the benefits of owning a rental property. 

Bottom Line

The California rental market is more competitive than ever. With hundreds, if not thousands, of properties currently listed for rent, it can be incredibly hard to find new tenants.

However, you can increase your chances by cleaning your property, writing an attractive listing with quality photos, advertising your property online, and responding to inquiries promptly.

If you need further help advertising your Escondido rental property, don’t hesitate to contact Francis Taylor Properties. Our team will be happy to help you!
